Software of the Month Club 1998 March
Software of the Month Club 1998 March.iso
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Text File
924 lines
(enum SexType
(enumerator notValid 0 "Not Valid")
(enumerator male 1 "Male")
(enumerator female 2 "Female")
(enum EmailType
(enumerator notValid 0 "")
(enumerator internet 1 "Internet")
(enumerator compuServe 2 "CompuServe")
(enumerator mciMail 3 "MCI Mail")
(enumerator americaOnLine 4 "America Online")
(enumerator prodigy 5 "Prodigy")
(enumerator x400 6 "X400")
(enum GroupType
(enumerator notValid 0 "")
(enumerator emailGroup 1 "Email Group")
(enumerator faxGroup 2 "Fax Group")
(enumerator telGroup 3 "Telephone Group")
(enumerator personGroup 4 "Person Group")
(enumerator businessGroup 5 "Business Group")
(enumerator otherGroup 100 "Other Group")
(enum AccountType
(enumerator notValid 0 "")
(enumerator bank 1 "Bank")
(enumerator creditCard 2 "Credit Card")
(enumerator checkCard 3 "Check Card")
(enumerator debitCard 4 "Debit Card")
(enumerator subscription 5 "Subscription")
(enumerator investment 6 "Investment")
(enumerator payByPhone 7 "Pay By Phone")
(enumerator login 8 "Login/Web")
(enumerator callingCard 9 "Calling Card")
(enumerator membership 10 "Membership")
(enumerator insurance 11 "Insurance")
(enumerator vendor 12 "Vendor")
(enumerator other 100 "Other")
(enum DateFormat
(enumerator MMDDYY 0 "MMDDYYYY")
(enumerator DDMMYY 1 "DDMMYYYY")
(enum LookWhatChoices
(enumerator lookAddress 0x01 "Postal Address")
(enumerator lookTelephone 0x02 "Telephone Number")
(enumerator lookFax 0x04 "Fax Number")
(enumerator lookEmailAdd 0x08 "Email Address")
(enumerator lookBirthDate 0x10 "Birth Date")
(enumerator lookMarriageDate 0x20 "Marriage Date")
(enumerator lookRelationships 0x40 "Relationships")
(enumerator lookAccountDetails 0x80 "Account Details")
(enum ExportDataChoice
(enumerator exportEmail 0x01 "Email Addresses")
(enumerator exportFax 0x02 "Fax Numbers")
(enumerator exportTel 0x04 "Telephone Numbers")
(enumerator exportPostal 0x08 "Postal Addresses")
(enumerator exportEmailAndFax 0x10 "Email Addresses And Fax Numbers")
(enumerator exportList 0x20 "List Data")
// OR of all the possible values
(enumerator exportAll 0x2F "All")
(enum ExportTargetName
(enumerator exportTargetCIM1x 0x01 "DosCIM 1.x or DosCIM 2.1.x")
(enumerator exportTargetCIM2x 0x02 "DosCIM 2.2.x or WinCIM 2.x")
(enumerator exportTargetTabTextFile 0x03 "Tab Separated Text File")
(enumerator exportTargetCommaTextFile 0x04 "Comma Separated Text File")
(enum ExportDataSource
(enumerator exportSourceList 0x01 "")
(enumerator exportSourceDatabase 0x02 "")
(enumerator exportSourceAll 0x03 "")
(class ExportChoiceSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute target GiEnum
(property qualifierName "ExportTargetName")
// this is actually OR of possible ExportDataChoice emtrs
(attribute dataChoices GiInt32
(property qualifierName "ExportDataChoice")
// where from the data is expected
(attribute dataSource GiEnum
(property qualifierName "ExportDataSource")
(attribute objectClassNames GiString)
(attribute rootDir GiString)
(attribute dosRelativePath GiString)
// (enum ImportTargetName
// // (enumerator importTargetCIM1x 0x01 "DosCIM 1.x or DosCIM 2.1.x")
// // (enumerator importTargetCIM2x 0x02 "DosCIM 2.2.x or WinCIM 2.x")
// (enumerator importTargetTabTextFile 0x03 "Tab Separated Text File")
// (enumerator importTargetCommaTextFile 0x04 "Comma Separated Text File")
// )
(enum CIMImportNameByDefault
(enumerator DefaultIsPerson 0x01 "Name Is A Person")
(enumerator DefaultIsBusiness 0x02 "Name Is A Business")
(enum SortOrder
(enumerator ascending 0 "Ascending")
(enumerator descending 1 "Descending")
(class FilterSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute filterName GiString
(property key giTrue)
(attribute filterString GiString)
(attribute objectClassName GiString)
(attribute ignoreCase GiBoolean)
// objects to include/exclude after filter results
(class FilterAddSub
(attribute filterName GiString) // name to use to locate filter schema
// (attribute filterId GiInt32) // id to use incase filter name has changed
(attribute includeSet GiSet // set of objects to always include
// (property qualifierName "Person Business Account Group")
(attribute excludeSet GiSet // set of objects to always exclude
// (property qualifierName "Person Business Account Group")
(class SortSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute sortName GiString
(property key giTrue)
(attribute objectClassName GiString
(attribute sortString GiString
(attribute sortOrder GiEnum
(property qualifierName "SortOrder")
(attribute ignoreCase GiBoolean
(class LookSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute lookWhat GiInt32)
(attribute ignoreCase GiBoolean)
(attribute matchType GiInt32) // GiString::GI_MatchType enum value
(attribute incSearch GiBoolean) // search incrementally
(attribute left GiInt32)
(attribute top GiInt32)
(attribute width GiInt32)
(attribute height GiInt32)
// used to open lists when a particular file is opened
(attribute openAtStartup GiBoolean)
(class Group
(classProperty firstLevelEditable giTrue)
(attribute name GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Group Name")
// (attribute type GiEnum
// (property qualifierName "GroupType")
// (property displayName "Group Type")
// )
// (attribute memberClassName GiString
// (property displayName "Group Of")
// )
(attribute members GiSet
// currently, can't have multiple classes, and base class is not supported
// so let the user choose from person objects atleast
// (property qualifierName "Person Business Account Group")
(property displayName "Members")
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
(attribute text1 GiString
(property displayName "Text1")
(attribute text2 GiString
(property displayName "Text2")
(attribute text3 GiString
(property displayName "Text3")
(class Person
(classProperty firstLevelEditable giTrue)
(attribute name GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Name")
(property editHint "Enter first, middle and last name (no commas)")
(attribute firstName GiString
(property computed giTrue)
(property displayName "First Name")
(attribute lastName GiString
(property computed giTrue)
(property displayName "Last Name")
(attribute middleName GiString
(property computed giTrue)
(property displayName "Middle Name")
(attribute title GiString
(property displayName "Mr./Ms./...")
(attribute alias GiString
(property displayName "Alias")
(attribute livingWith GiInstance
(property qualifierName "Person")
(property displayName "Living With")
(property selectButton giTrue)
(property cloneReference giFalse)
(attribute livingSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Person")
// (property archive giFalse)
(property cloneReference giFalse)
(property userReadable giFalse)
(property userQueryable giFalse)
(property displayName "Living Together")
(attribute homeAddress GiInstance
(property qualifierName "PostalAddress")
(property displayName "Home Address")
(property userEditable giFalse)
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute homeTelSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Home Phone")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute homeFaxSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Home Fax")
(property editButton giTrue)
// (attribute workingAt GiInstance
// (property qualifierName "Business")
// (property displayName "Working At")
// // workaround
// // (property selectButton giTrue)
// (property editButton giTrue)
// )
(attribute workingWith GiInstance
(property qualifierName "Person")
(property displayName "Working With")
(property selectButton giTrue)
(property cloneReference giFalse)
(attribute workingSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Person")
// (property archive giFalse)
(property userReadable giFalse)
(property userQueryable giFalse)
(property displayName "Working Together")
(property cloneReference giFalse)
(attribute companyName GiString
(property displayName "Company Name")
(attribute workAddress GiInstance
(property qualifierName "PostalAddress")
(property displayName "Work Address")
(property userEditable giFalse)
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute workTelSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Work Phone")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute workFaxSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Work Fax")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute altAddress GiInstance
(property qualifierName "PostalAddress")
(property displayName "Alternate Address")
(property userEditable giFalse)
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute emailSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Email")
(property displayName "Email")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute urlSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Url")
(property displayName "URL/Web")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute birthDate GiDate
(property displayName "Birth Date")
// (attribute birthDay GiInt32
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property userEditable giFalse)
// (property displayName "Day of Birth")
// )
// (attribute birthMonth GiInt32
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property userEditable giFalse)
// (property displayName "Month of Birth")
// )
// (attribute birthYear GiInt32
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property userEditable giFalse)
// (property displayName "Year of Birth")
// )
(attribute marriageDate GiDate
(property displayName "Marriage Date")
// (attribute marriageDay GiInt32
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property userEditable giFalse)
// (property displayName "Day of Marriage")
// )
// (attribute marriageMonth GiInt32
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property userEditable giFalse)
// (property displayName "Month of Marriage")
// )
// (attribute marriageYear GiInt32
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property userEditable giFalse)
// (property displayName "Year of Marriage")
// )
(attribute sex GiEnum
(property qualifierName "SexType")
(property displayName "Sex")
(attribute father GiInstance
(property qualifierName "Person")
(property displayName "Father")
(property selectButton giTrue)
(attribute mother GiInstance
(property qualifierName "Person")
(property displayName "Mother")
(property selectButton giTrue)
(attribute spouse GiInstance
(property qualifierName "Person")
(property displayName "Spouse")
(property selectButton giTrue)
(property cloneReference giFalse)
(attribute children GiSet
(property qualifierName "Person")
(property displayName "Children")
// (property userEditable giFalse)
(property archive giFalse)
(property cloneReference giFalse)
(attribute groupSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Group")
(property displayName "Belongs To Groups")
(property archive giFalse)
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
// additional fields for the user to store his own information
(attribute text1 GiString
(property displayName "Text1")
(attribute text2 GiString
(property displayName "Text2")
(attribute text3 GiString
(property displayName "Text3")
(attribute text4 GiString
(property displayName "Text4")
(attribute text5 GiString
(property displayName "Text5")
(attribute num1 GiInt32
(property displayName "Num1")
(attribute num2 GiInt32
(property displayName "Num2")
(attribute date1 GiDate
(property displayName "Date1")
(class Business
(classProperty firstLevelEditable giTrue)
(attribute businessName GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Business Name")
(attribute additionalName GiString
(property displayName "Additional Name")
(attribute address GiInstance
(property qualifierName "PostalAddress")
(property displayName "Postal Address")
(property editButton giTrue)
(property userEditable giFalse)
(attribute telSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Tel Numbers")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute faxSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Fax Numbers")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute emailSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Email")
(property displayName "Email")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute urlSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Url")
(property displayName "URL/Web")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute groupSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Group")
(property displayName "Belongs To Groups")
(property archive giFalse)
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
(attribute text1 GiString
(property displayName "Text1")
(attribute text2 GiString
(property displayName "Text2")
(attribute text3 GiString
(property displayName "Text3")
(class Account
(classProperty firstLevelEditable giTrue)
(attribute accountName GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Account Name")
(attribute description GiString
(property displayName "Description")
(attribute accountType GiEnum
(property qualifierName "AccountType")
(property displayName "Account Type")
(attribute accountNumber GiString
(property displayName "Account Number")
(attribute expirationDate GiDate
(property displayName "Expiration Date")
(attribute accessCode GiString
(property displayName "Access Code")
(attribute custSrvTelSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Customer Service Tel Numbers")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute autoAccessTelSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Automated Access Tel Numbers")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute faxSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Phone")
(property displayName "Fax Numbers")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute loginName GiString
(property displayName "Login Name/ID")
(attribute password GiString
(property displayName "Password")
(attribute address GiInstance
(property qualifierName "PostalAddress")
(property displayName "Address")
(property userEditable giFalse)
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute emailSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Email")
(property displayName "Email")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute urlSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Url")
(property displayName "URL/Web")
(property editButton giTrue)
(attribute groupSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Group")
(property displayName "Belongs To Groups")
(property archive giFalse)
// additional fields for the user to store his own information
(attribute text1 GiString
(property displayName "Text1")
(attribute text2 GiString
(property displayName "Text2")
(enum ToDoStatus
(enumerator pending 0 "Pending")
(enumerator inProgress 1 "In Progress")
(enumerator completed 2 "Completed")
(enumerator onHold 3 "On Hold")
(class ToDo
(classProperty firstLevelEditable giTrue)
(attribute description GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Description")
(attribute priority GiInt32
(property displayName "Priority")
(attribute toDoOnDate GiDate
(property displayName "ToDo On Date")
(attribute status GiEnum
(property qualifierName "ToDoStatus")
(property displayName "Status")
(attribute dateCompleted GiDate
(property displayName "Date Completed")
(attribute groupSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "Group")
(property displayName "Belongs To Groups")
(property archive giFalse)
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
(attribute text1 GiString
(property displayName "Text1")
// used to track TODO objects generated by system
// for things like birthdays, marriage days, reminders
(attribute systemGenerated GiBoolean
(property displayName "System Generated")
(property userReadable giFalse)
(property userQueryable giFalse)
(enum ReminderFrequency
(enumerator never 0 "Never")
(enumerator once 1 "Once")
(enumerator everyDay 2 "Every day")
(enumerator everyWeek 3 "Every week")
(enumerator everyTwoWeeks 6 "Every two weeks")
(enumerator everyMonth 4 "Every month")
(enumerator twiceAMonth 7 "Twice a month")
(enumerator everyQuarter 8 "Every quarter")
(enumerator everyYear 5 "Every year")
// last is 8
(class Reminder
(classProperty firstLevelEditable giTrue)
(attribute description GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Description")
(attribute nextDate GiDate
(property displayName "Next Date")
(attribute frequency GiEnum
(property qualifierName "ReminderFrequency")
(property displayName "Frequency")
(attribute numDaysBefore GiInt32
(property displayName "Days Before To Remind")
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
(class PostalAddress
(classProperty displayRule "street, street2, city, state, zip, country")
(attribute street GiString
(property displayName "Street")
(attribute street2 GiString
(property displayName "Street2")
(attribute city GiString
(property displayName "City")
(attribute state GiString
(property displayName "State")
(attribute zip GiString
(property displayName "Zip")
(attribute country GiString
(property displayName "Country")
(class Phone
(classProperty displayRule "phoneNumber, comments")
(attribute phoneNumber GiString
(property computed giTrue)
(property displayName "Phone Number")
(property editHint "Enter CountryCode (AreaCode) LocalNumber x Extension")
(attribute countryCode GiString
(property displayName "Country Code")
(attribute areaCode GiString
(property displayName "Area Code")
(attribute localNumber GiString
(property displayName "Local Number")
(attribute extension GiString
(property displayName "Extension")
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
(class Email
(attribute emailAddress GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "Email Address")
(attribute emailType GiEnum
(property qualifierName "EmailType")
(property displayName "Email Format")
(class Url
(attribute urlAddress GiString
(property key giTrue)
(property displayName "URL Address")
(attribute comments GiString
(property displayName "Comments")
// (attribute urlType GiString
// (property computed giTrue)
// (property displayName "URL Type")
// )
(class TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName GiString
(attribute displayName GiString
(attribute columnWidth GiInt32
(class TableSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute tableName GiString
(property key giTrue)
(attribute objectClassName GiString
(attribute tableCellSet GiSet
(property qualifierName "TableCellSchema")
(attribute filterSchema GiInstance
(property qualifierName "FilterSchema")
(attribute sortSchema GiInstance
(property qualifierName "SortSchema")
(attribute left GiInt32
(attribute top GiInt32
(attribute width GiInt32
(attribute height GiInt32
(attribute readOnly GiBoolean
// used to open lists when a particular file is opened
(attribute openAtStartup GiBoolean
(class ReportSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute reportName GiString
(property key giTrue)
(attribute filterSchema GiInstance
(property qualifierName "FilterSchema")
(attribute sortSchema GiInstance
(property qualifierName "SortSchema")
// if constantRuleOnly is true, then objectClassName is not required
(attribute constantRuleOnly GiBoolean
// required for constantRuleOnly, to denote how many cells to print with
// the constant specified rule, otherwise it is computed depending on the
// number of objects
(attribute numCells GiInt32
// if true, then only selected objects are displayed, filters are ignored.
(attribute showSelectedObjectsOnly GiBoolean
(attribute objectClassName GiString
(attribute rule GiString
(attribute numCols GiInt32
(attribute startFromCol GiInt32
(attribute startFromRow GiInt32
// in twips = inch * 1440
(attribute interColSpacing GiInt32
(attribute interRowSpacing GiInt32
// if true, colWidth is not required
(attribute colWidthMaxText GiBoolean
// if true, rowHeight is not required
(attribute rowHeightMaxText GiBoolean
// in twips
(attribute colWidth GiInt32
(attribute rowHeight GiInt32
// in twips
(attribute paperWidth GiInt32
(attribute paperHeight GiInt32
// in twips
(attribute leftMargin GiInt32
(attribute rightMargin GiInt32
(attribute topMargin GiInt32
(attribute bottomMargin GiInt32
// report position
(attribute left GiInt32
(attribute top GiInt32
(attribute width GiInt32
(attribute height GiInt32
// There should be one object per schema (database independent)
(class OptionsSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute majorVersion GiInt32)
(attribute minorVersion GiInt32)
(attribute patchVersion GiInt32)
(attribute serialNumber GiInt32)
(attribute installNumber GiInt32)
(attribute useCount GiInt32) // number of times application invoked
(attribute hideHints GiBoolean)
(attribute userName GiString)
(attribute companyName GiString)
(attribute shareHomeTelephone GiBoolean)
(attribute shareHomeFax GiBoolean)
(attribute shareWorkTelephone GiBoolean)
(attribute shareWorkFax GiBoolean)
(attribute autoOpenLastFile GiBoolean)
(attribute compuServeRoot GiString)
// there should be one object of this class per database.
(class DatabaseOptionsSchema
(classProperty firstLevelSchema giTrue)
(attribute todoLastAutoUpdated GiDate)
(attribute todoUpdateDaysBefore GiInt32)
(attribute password GiString)